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How to order :
Now you can order even without creating a account.guest checkout available

OR After creating account ,

Follow the below step for How to shop:

Step1: Select your items from any category.

Step 2: Click the add to cart Button. Then click shopping cart

Step 3: The next page is your shopping cart items.

click continue shopping.if you want to adds more items,(add to cart & shopping cart again)

Click Update Button if you want to change the quantity of your items.

Click Delete Button beside the item price if you like to remove it in cart.

Click Checkout Button to go on the next step.
guest checkout 
Step 4: if you are already registrar, then use existing customer. Put the email address & your password

Step 5: Next page is fill up your billing address(sender address)
shipping information (Recipient),
delivery area, date of delivery.
& Choose your payment method



Step 6: Then click Submit Order.

Step 7: Click process order. Wait for a while for loading next page

Step 8: Next page will go our secure payment gateway.

Step 9: you can use credit card or paypal account.

Step10: check your email address that you have received or not paypal email confirmation.

If ever your payment failed, and you want to use a different card
Step 1: login to your account
Step 2: click the orders
Step 3: Check the order if the status is rejected,then you can make a payment again..
Step 4:  if the status is not yet rejected,then you can email us to change the status to rejected, so that you can make the payment again.Or else you can palce aother new order .


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